Learn how to master your stress!
As a Stress Master International Associate, I can help facilitate stress mastery to individuals, groups, employees, and organizations by offering the STRESS MASTERY PROGRAM as well as workshops and individual coaching.
Sabrina is a Licensed Independent Stress Master Associate and has exclusive rights to Dr. James C. Peterson’s proven, researched-based and internationally recognized stress test.
The stress test has been taken by over 600,000 people so far from all around the world. Stress mastery involves making conscious decisions to change how you react to everyday events as well as major life events. Test and feedback are the first steps towards stress mastery.
The Stress Mastery Questionnaire is a 15 minute comprehensive assessment that will determine what areas of your life are contributing to your stress.
We will look at Stress Warning Signs, Stress Effects, and Stressor Scales.
Price $75