Welcome to my Blog! Check back in for healthy recipes, easy food tips, and tons of “how-tos”. I’m so glad you’re here! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Tips to avoid GMO’s
1. Buy Organic. 2. Look for the Non GMO project seal. 3. Avoid at-risk ingredients: Corn, Soybeans, Canola, Cottonseed, Sugar Beets, Hawaiian Papaya (most) and a small amount of Zucchini Yellow Squash ...
Gardening and GMOs
Growing up as a kid in the Spokane Valley, every year we would grow a garden. We planted corn, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, peppers, squash, pumpkins, strawberries, rhubarb and more. I loved eating the food from our garden however, I didn't ...
What is your unique gift?
We all have unique gifts but often fail to recognize them. Each day you are giving to others and you may not even recognize it. some gifts we are born with while others are learned So, the next time someone ...
The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen
Have you heard of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15? The Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) puts out a guide each year to educate consumers about which twelve fruits and vegetables have the highest level of pesticides. This list is updated every ...
Light yet Tasty Mojito
Some mojitos pack up to 250 empty calories, but Frankel's version contains only 150. Fill a martini shaker with 1 cup ice. Add 6 lime wedges, 1 1/2 tbsp lime juice, and 2 tbsp torn fresh mint leaves. Muddle lime ...
American Virgin (non alcoholic)
Combine 1 shot (about 2 ounces) each peach juice and club soda and 1 splash each orange juice and lemonade in a cocktail shaker full of ice. Stir and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice, then garnish with ...
Easy, Skinny Cosmo
Mix a lighter, 218-calorie, fab Cosmo by trading just a little liquor for club soda. Combine in a cocktail shaker (or ask the bartender for) 1 shot (about 2 ounces) citrus-flavored vodka, 1 splash club soda, 1 splash cranberry juice, ...