Have you heard of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15? The Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) puts out a guide each year to educate consumers about which twelve fruits and vegetables have the highest level of pesticides. This list is updated every year.
Dirty Dozen
1) Apples
2) Peaches
3) Nectarines
4) Strawberries
5) Grapes
6) Celery
7) Spinach
8) Sweet Bell Peppers
9) Cucumbers
10) Cherry Tomatoes
11) Snap Peas-Imported
12) Potatoes
Plus: Hot Peppers, Kale & Collard Greens
Cut out the list above and carry it with you or put the list in your phone for a quick reference while you shop.
Shopping your local farmer’s market is a great way to get pesticide free produce. Ask the farmer if they spray their crops to be sure you are getting organic produce. Many farmer’s are not “Certified Organic” because of the additional cost required by the government for that designation. Be aware, the cost will be reflected in what you pay for that distinction, you can decide if that is important to you.
Go to spokanecares.org and type “Farmers Markets” in the search for a current list of farmer’s markets in our area.
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